Bucky’s Virtual Shop

(formally Bucky’s Page’O Tools)


Welcome to my "virtual shop." Please come in and take a look around, make yourself comfortable. If you are interested in hand tools (especially the making of hand tools) then I like to think that you’ve come to the right place!

Of course that’s not the only thing I do (although I’m sure my wife and friends think so, bless their hearts). I do make furniture and other "useful" stuff from time to time and have included some of it here (at least things from the not too distant past that I still have in my possession).

You will also find an area that contains information on many of the techniques I use to build my projects. I hope you find something useful and interesting.

Now that I’ve found a new place for the shop* I’ve made some improvements on its set up. I’ve also added some new things that I hope you will find interesting. Please plan to come back in the future as I’m adding new things all the time.


   Furniture & other projects


If you have any questions and would like to contact me you can email me at BucknerB@mail.co.leon.fl.us

*Many thanks to my host, Sandy Moss, for graciously allowing me to set up here in his corner of the World Wide Web and for his assistance in making it look nice and easy to read. Please treat yourself to a tour of his site. He's got some real interesting things to see and always has lots of nice tools to look at and read about (and buy if you're interested.) He probably knows more about most old tools than anyone around. Plus, he's a real nice guy!

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