Item RR18 - Belcher Bros 2-Foot Shrinkage Rule.
Belcher Bros. made rules in New York City from as early as 1822 to 1877.
This rule does not carry the older mark, so it probably was made in the latter
half of that period. The rule is an unbound boxwood one, with brass tips, and a
hang hole bored in one end. The 2 foot rule is gradated in 1/16” on one side
and 1/8” on the other. Each side reads both right to left (on one edge), and
left to right (the other edge). It is bright and clean, with original varnish
on the brass tips and only minor tool box marks. It is marked for shrinkage of
1/8” per foot, and easily is in Good+ condition.

Price - $30.00