Last modified on April
29, 2020.
Percy Likes the Sun
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named herein, and its written or image contents may not be reproduced without
the express permission of the owner. Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2104, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,2019 and 2020 by
Sanford Moss. All rights reserved.
BK1 -
Steam Engine Indicator. Practical Instructions. Fine. ______________ $45.00
- Brown & Sharpe “Construction and Use of Universal Milling Machines"
BK3 - Lufkin
Precision Tools Catalog No. 7. Excellent Condition. Fine. ___________$40.00
BK5 -
Modern Machine Shop Practice by Rose. 1st Am. Ed. Vol. I (1887) &Vol
II (1888). $75.00
BK6 - Modern
Machine Shop Practice. Supplement to the First Edition. 1892 _________$25.00
BK10 - Ronald S.
Barlow. The Antique Tool Collector’s Handbook. Fine. ____________ $20.00
Lufkin General Catalog No. 11 (ca. 1935).
Rules, Tools, et al. Easily Good ______
P2 - Stanley No. 3 Smooth Plane. Type 17 (1941-46). Good+
P8 -Stanley
No. A 5 Aluminum Jack Plane. Type 13. Nice Condition. Fine ________$125.00
Patent, Scarce & Older Types
CP1 -
Steer’s Patent (1883) No. 307 Jointer Plane.
Early Example. Good+ ________$300.00
CP3 - Chaplin’s Improved No. 1204 Smooth Plane. Great Condition.
Fine. _________ $150.00
- Stanley No. 13 Circular Plane. Type 2 (1871-78). Collectible
Condition. Fine. $100.00
CP8 - Kellett’s
Patent Plane Blade. Sept 16, 1884. Near Full Length.
Good+ ______ $15.00
P22 -
Stanley No. 278 Rabbet & Filletster Plane. Type 1. Lacks Depth
Stop Good+_$100.00
P24 -Stanley
No. 55. Set of Cutters. In 4 Boxes. Near Complete. Good+ _________$200.00
- Stanley No. 141. Bull Nose Plow Plane. (Miller's Patent). Good.
P31 -
OWT Router. Larger Size with 3/4” Cutter. Likely English. Easily Good+
Shelton No. 12 Iron Block Plane. .
Uncommon. Fine._____________________$25.00
- Stanley (Eng) No. G12-20 Adjustable Block Plane. New
BP3 - Stanley No.
100 “Squirrel Tail Block Plane. SW Blade. Easily Good+________ $35.00
- Fulton Tool Co. (NY) Lever Cap Block Plane (Sargent) Good
BP7 - Double End
Block Plane (Like Stanley 130) Reversible Blade Position. Good+ ____$25.00
BP8 - Stanley
No. 9 ¼ Block Plane. Like the 9 ½ sans throat adjustment. Fine. _______$25.00
BP12 - Stanley
(England) No. G12-060 Low Angle Block Plane. New._________________$50.00
BP13 -
No. 19 Knuckle Joint Adjustable Block Plane. L 7”. Good+ ____________ $35.00
BP14 - Millers
Falls No. 1455B Low Angle Block Plane. Uncommon. Fine. ____________$40.00
BP15 - Stanley No.
120 Block Plane. Third Type from the 1880s. Lever adjust. Fine. _____$30.00
BP16 -
Sargent No. 207 Block Plane. Older, Scarce
Model. Good+. _________________ $30.00
Wooden Planes
- Gardner and Murdock.
(Boston). Shallow, Wide Grecian Ogee. Fine __________$30.00
Unmarked Early Appearing Ogee Molding Plane. Ca.1800?
Fine. ___________
John M. Taber*. Ship Rabbet (Jack Rabbet) Plane. Nice plane. Easily Good+ ___
WP6 - Early Hollow Molding Plane.
Marked “DB” Daniel Boulton?? Easily Good______$35.00
WP7 -
Brown &
Barnard (Birmingham) ¾” Astragal. Easily Good _________________ $20.00
WP10 -
John. M. Taber* (New Bedford) Fixed Sash Plane. With Connections
Fine.____ $150.00
WP13 - Hills & Winship (Springfield, MA)
6/8 Astragal. Fully Boxed. . Good+ ________
WP22 - R & C. Carter * Troy, NY. Ogee with Astragal Molding Plane.
Fine.____________ $45.00
Drawknives and Spoke Shaves,
D1 -
Jigger or Howeling Knife. 3 ¼” Edge. “LIE”
Rare and Good+. ______________$50.00.
- Stanley No. 62 Reversible Spoke Shave. Two Blades. Scarce and
Good+. ______
D3 -
Dunlap No. 3661 Loop Handled Spoke Shave.
A. J. Wilkinson (Boston) Folding Draw Knife. 10”.Nice Condition. Fine.
No. 58 Spoke Shave. Flat Handles and scarce. Good. _______________$20.00
J. S. Cantello (Boston). Folding Draw Knife. 8” Clean &
Fine. ________________ $85.00
D9 -
Coach Maker’s Routing Draw Knife. ¾”
Cutter. Good+ _____________________$35.00
D10 -
Fancy Ram’s Horn Scraper. Brass Nose, Steel Sole, Wood Handles. Fine.
D11 -
Windsor Beading Tool. Second Type. Walnut
with label. Fine. ______________$150.00
- Nobles Mfg. Co. (Elmira, NY). Adjustable Draw Knife. Original Patent
Date. Fine. $50.00
Chandler's Chamferer. Draw Knife Chamfer Guide Set. IOB. Scarce and
Fine. ___$100.00
D20 - Cantelo (Boston) Folding Draw Knife. Patent Mechanism. Good+
Chisels, Gouges,
Knives, Adzes & Axes
C1 -
Japanese Chisel Set. 10 Carving
Chisels IOB. Fine - ______________________ $650.00
C2 - I. Sorby. (Sheffield) Crank Handle Pattern Maker's Gouge
Risque Engraving _____$60.00
C3 --
Set of
Five, Flat Steel Japanese Carving Tools IOB. Quality _________________$250.00
C4 -
Neolithic Adze Head. Probably American Indian. Flaked Flint. Good+
- Ice Chipper Extraordinaire 4 5/8” Blade. Great Handle.
Fine_________________ $125.00
C8 -
Set of 11 High Quality Japanese Carving Tools IOB. Fine-_______________-$350.00
C9 - Three Larger Bowl Turning Lathe Tools. Early. Good+
C11 - Amory W. Crossman Framing Chisel. 2” Long Heavy Blade. Good
C12 -
larger T.H. Witherby Socket Chisels. Good+ _________________________ $75.00
Boring Tools
Braces (See my
Brace Collection)
B1 - Amidon
& White (Buffalo) Corner Brace 1884 Patent. Easily
Good+ ________ $55.00
- 18th Century Wooden Brace with 7 Good Pads. Fine.
Millers Falls No. 900 Brace Wench. Rare Tool. Never Seen Another!
Good+__ $80.00
Quimby Backus – No. 27 Brace Wrench. Easily Good. ___________________$40.00
B11 - D. Simal
(Belgium) Surgeon’s Brace. 3” Sweep. Changeable Chuck. Good+ $217.50
B14 - Millers Falls No.
502A Master Corner Brace. Master" Chuck. Easily Good. _ $35.00
DR1 - Yankee No. 1445 Double Speed Hand Drill. Non-Ratcheting
Good. ___________ $50.00
DR3 -
Millers Falls No. 104 Hand Drill. Smaller Buck Rogers Drill
Fine ___________$60.00
DR4 - Millers Falls No 718 Chain Drill. High Quality and Near
New. Fine. __________$30.00
DR6 - Yankee (North Bros) No. 50 Archaemedian Drill. Neat Tool.
Good+. __________ $75.00
- Jacobs 6A Machinist’s Chuck. 1/2" 33
Taper. Good+ ______________________ $30.00
Bits & Things
B17 -
Falls No. 5 Tool Handle. Largest Size. Easily Good _________________S25.00
B18 -
No. 305 Tool Handle With 12 Tools. Easily Good. __________________$50.00
Shell Auger Gimlet With Lead
Screw. Rosewood handle. Fine._______________$50.00
B20 -
Greenlee No. 900 Bit Extension. Useful for Boring Deep Holes. Fine. _________-
B21 - Millers Falls No. 5
Rosewood Tool Handle. 1868 Patent Date. Scarce Good+ ___$45.00
- Morse Patent Cylindrical Drill Index.
Style 390. The Small One. Fine _________ $60.00
- Morse Wood Drill Stand for No. 5 Drill Bit Set. Good+
- Miniature Adjustable Nut Wrench. Nice Detail. Fine. _____________________
- Machinist-made Brass Drill Bit Index & Stand.
Unusual and Fine. ____________$75.00
Screwdrivers and Push Drills
Yankee (North Bros) No. 30A Spiral Ratchet Screw Driver. Fine. ___________
SC3 -
Yankee (North Bros)
No. 42 Automatic Screw Driver. Wooden Handle. Good+ _ $25.00
- Yankee (North Bros) No. 131A Ratchet Screw Driver. The Big One.
Good+ ___$19.00
- Millers Fall No. 610B Spiral Ratchet Screw Driver. Most Finishes.
Good+ ____ $15.00
SC6 - F. A. Howard & Son, Allard's
Patent Spiral Screw Driver. Scarce and Fine. _____$45.00
SC7 -
Yankee (North Bros) No. 20-2 Ratchet Screw
Driver. Scarce. Fine ___________$35.00
SC10 - Stanley
Yankee No. 131A Spiral Ratchet Screw Driver. 4 bits. Fine.___________ $20.00
Levels, Layout & Measuring
- Winslow’s Adjustable Face Gage. 1900 Patent. Uncommon. Good+
- Stanley No. 72 Double Gauge. Two Stems for Marking or Mortise.
Fine. ___ $18.75
R4 -
Stanley (unmarked) No. 78 Rosewood Screw Adjust Mortise Gage. Fine. ____$55.00
R5 - Panel Slitting Gage. Beautiful and
“Different” Collector's Tool. Fine.______ $250.00
R6 -
Crown Tools (Sheffield) Slide Adjust Mortise Gage. Fine. ________________$35.00
- Stanley (unmarked) No. 73 Mortise Gage.
Boxwood. Uncommon Good+ _____ $37.50
- Brass Trammel Points. Fine Adjust. 4 ½" Fine ________________________
R10 - Large Wood, Brass & Steel
Compass/Dividers. 30” Legs. Good+ ________$93.75
R11 - Classic English Brass & Ebony
Mortise Gage. Fine. ___________________$60.00
R12 - Stanley No. 77 Mortise and Marking Gage. Screw Adjust. SW. Good+
- E. C. Stearns Co. (Syracuse) No. 85 Butt Gage. Like Stanley No. 95.
Fine. __$15.00
14- Stanley No. 77 Screw Adjust Mortise Gage. Rosewood.
Fine. ____________ $50.00
R16 - Unmarked Panel Gage. 24” Stem. Nicely Made. Fine:
R17 -
Older Traditional Veneer Worker’s Slitting
Gage. Easily Good. _________$30.00
- "Hall-Mark" Cordage Rule. Hull, England. Near New.
Fine ____________$125.00
R19 - Wedge Lock Marking Gage. Simple but Elegant.
Fine. __________________ $20.00
RR1 -
Rule Co. No. 52 Four Fold – 2’ Rule. Good+ ___________________ $100.00
- Lufkin No. 386 Four-fold, 12” Caliper Rule. Like Stanley 32.
Advertising. Fine. $67.50
RR3 -
Stanley No. 92 (unmarked) Four-fold Ivory
1-Foot Rule. Good+ ____________$131.25
- Sterling Silver 12” Folding Rule. English 1820-50. Unusual and
Fine. _____$290.00
RR7 -- Stanley No. 53
½ Architect’s Rule (Special). Uncommon Edge Marks. Fine. _ $100.00
RR8 -
Stanley No. 73 Arch Joint Unbound, 4-Fold 2’ Rule. SW Mark. Fine.
- Stephens & Co. Un-numbered 4-Fold, 2-Foot Rule Special Scale.
Good+_____ $75.00
- “London” Four-Fold 12” Ivory Rule. Arch Joint.
Fine._________________ $150.00
RR12 - Stanley
(unmarked) No. 69 Four-fold 12” Rule. Good+. __________________$25.00
RR13 - Stanley
Rule & Level Co. No. 85 4-Fold 2-Foot Ivory Rule. Good+ _________$150.00
- Zig Zag Folding Ivory Rule in Shagreen Case. Likely French. Fine.
RR15 -
W. & L.E. Gurley Special Dry Measure Rule. Scarce. Easily Good+
- Belcher Bros. Shrink Rule. 1/8" & 1/16" Sides. Good+_________________
BR21 - 6
Inch Sterling Silver Rule. Tiffany & Co. Gift for Sewing Basket. Fine.
RR24 - Wood Straight Edge. Dated 1809 &
Initialed. Great Item! Fine. ___________
Bevels & Squares (GREEN ITEMS REDUCED)
- Philo L. Fox (Bridgeport, CT) Patent Bevel. Uncommon Tool.
Good. _______ $105.00
RB3 -
14” Carpenter’s or Machinist’s Square. Burl Infil. Good+ _________$40.00
RB4 - Wood Bevel. Mahogany with 14” Blade. Fine.
- A. McKenzie (Boston) Patent Square and Bevel. Rare Tool.
Good+ _________ $220.00
RB7 -
The L. S.
Starrett Co. 12” Combination Square 3-Heads. Good+ _____________ $70.00
RB8 -
- Stanley No. 2 Traut's Patent Tri
Square. 8” Size. Scarce. Easily Good+ ______$37.50
- Miniature Silver Carpenter’s Square . Masonic Pendant. Fine.
L1 -
Davis &
Cook, Watertown, NY No 269 Plumb & Level. Fine. __________________$90.00
- Stanley No. 39 ½ Machinist Level. WWII Finishes.
Fine _____________________ $30.00
L3 -
Keen Kutter, KKO, Plumb & Level. Cherry. 28”.
Easily Good+ ________________$20.00
L4 - Patent
bevel/square/inclinometer/level. Gagnon & Hawthorne 1917 Patent Good+
L6 - Stanley No. 36
Metallic Plumb & Level. First Type. 9” Easily Good+. ____________ $35.00
L7 -
Millers Falls No. 10 Plumb and Level. 12”
Rosewood with Brass Binding.” Fine. ___ $190.00
L9 - Stanley No. 3
Carpenter’s Level. 26” Size. Faded Decal. Fine. __________________$25.00
L13 - Stanley No. 3 Bench Level. Original Decal SW Mark. 26 inch Length
Easily Good+_ $20.00
L14 -
Stratton Bros. No. 10 beass bound machinist level BB. Type 5. 8 inch Fine.
Saws & Stuff
- Henry Disston & Sons. Modified Open Handle Dovetail Saw.
Scarce. Good _______ $80.00
- Henry Disston No. 7 Rip Saw. Early Appearing. Easily
Good.___________________ $100.00
Disston & Sons No. 7 Hand Saw Rip. Good+ __________________________$60.00
S6 -
Pennsylvania Saw Corp. York, PA) No. 66 Dovetail Saw.
S10 -
W. S. & M. Co. Skew Back Hand Saw. Not Recorded. Scarce.
Good+ ____________ $50.00
S12 - Unmarked Brass-Framed Armorer’s Saw. Fancy 18th Century.
Good+ ___________ $650.00
S13 -
Panel Saw with File Cut Decorated Blade. 14” Blade. Unique.
Good+ _____________ $60.00
- Atkins No. 1 Silver Steel Mitre Box Saw
(For Marsh Mitre Machine) Fine. _________ $50.00
S15 -
E. C Atkins No. 100 Flooring Saw. Distinctive and Nice.
Fine.__________________ $60.00
- Frame Saw. Shaw 1894 Patent. Uncommon Saw. Good+
- Saw Wrest. English Style with Beech Wood Handle. Fine.
S18 -
Simonds Saws Watch Fob. Nice Miniature. Fine. ____________________________
MA3 - Brown & Sharpe No. 530 Knife Edge
Straight Edges. Light Tarnish Fine _______$40.00
MA4 -
Sawyer Tool Mfg. Co. (Fitchburg) 12” Machinist Rule & Key Seat Clamps. Fine.
MA5 -
The L. S. Starrett Co. No. 700A Inside
Micrometer. NIB. ___________________$50.00
- Machinist-made Steel Mitre Square. Uncommon. With Custom Box. Good+
MA9 -
Starrett No. 216 Micrometer. 1” Digital
Readout. _________________________ $45.00
- A. Waldeck (Cleveland) Wire Gage. Made for George Prentiss Holyoke.
Good.___ $30.00
MA11 -
Precision Machinist's Square. Craftsman Made and Fine.
MA12 -
The L. S. Starrett Co. No. 256RL-1 Disc
Micrometer. NIB __________________ $50.00
MA13 - Fowler
Patent Speed Indicator. 1883. Scarce Item. Fine.
____________________ $50.00
MA14 - Brown & Sharpe
No. 220 "Ladies" Work Basket Rule. . Uncommon Sort. Fine. ___$20.00
- Joshua T. Slocomb Co. (Providence, RI). Thread Micrometers No. 29 & 30.
MA17 - The L. S. Starrett Co No. 215, ½” Micrometer. Uncommon.
Easily Good+ _________$25.00
MA20 - The L. S.
Starrett & Co. No. 228 Hub Micrometer. Special Purpose. Good+ ______
MA21 -
L. S. Starrett Co. No. 696 Crank Shaft Distortion Dial or Strain Gage. Fine
IOB __$100.00
MA22 - Bemis &
Call Co. Wing Outside Calipers. 12” Scarce Example. Good+ ________$40.00
M1 - Roller Wheel Adjusting Pipe Wrench.
Craftsman Tool Co. 1907 Pat. Fine. _
- Double Claw Hammer. Unusual Design. Not Patent.
Good+ _____________
M3 -
Carver’s Whimsy. Wood ring with four sets of chain links and Captive Balls .
M4 -
Jeweler’s Anvil. Clean and Shiny. Fine. ______________________________$75.00
Stortz & Son (Philadelphia) Leather Handle Slater’s Hammer. Fine
M6 - Claw
Hammer marked, “G. Smythe / Cast Steel” Good+ _________________$20.00
- Old
Harness Maker’s Vise. Great Decorator Piece. Good. _______________ $35.00
- Shapely Steel Plumb Bob. 2lb 12oz. Nice
Form. Good+ _________________ $60.00
M9 -
Engraved Bone Spatula. Leather Tool. Snake
images. Fine. _____________$60.00
M11 - Upholsterer's Tack Hammer. Strap Handle. Side Tack Claw. Good.
M12 - L. Coes &
Co. Adjustable Nut Wrench. 4 5/8” Smallest Size. Good.________ $75.00
M13 - American
Seating Co. Nut Wrench. Unusual Implement Nut Wrench. Good+ $15.00
M14 - HandE Wrench Co.
(New Bedford) Patent Pipe Wrench. Slide Adjust. Good+ $30.00
- Reed Mfg Co. (Erie, PA) 1897 Patent Adj. No. 11 Pipe Wrench Good+ ______$26.25
- C. E. Gibbs (Boston). Paper liner(?) with Graduated Brass Edge Easily
Good. _$50.00
- Underhill (Boston) Shingling hatchet. Later Mark.
Good+________________ $25.00
M18 -
HandE Wrench Co. Unmarked (unfinished?) Nut Wrench_________________$37.50
M19 - Upholster's Style Tack Hammer. Strap
Handled. Superb. Fine. _____________$97.50
M20 - General No. 800 12 oz Brass Plumb Bob. Original Box. Fine.
M21 - Brown & Sharpe No. 790 Liquid Filled Plumb Bob. Smallest
size. Fine. ______$35.00
M22 -
Forged Hay Tester. Old Time Tool. Fine. ________________________$25.00
M23 - Goodell-Pratt No.
29 1/2 Polishing Lathe. All Original Finishes. Fine. _____$175.00
M24 - Wilton (Chicago) No. 825 “Bullet” Machinist's Vise. Small 2 1/2"
Size. Good+ $350.00
- C. S. Osborne Pad Nut Pliers. Harness Maker Tool. Scarce. Fine.
- Weight Set for Laboratory Pan Balance. Nearly Complete in Fitted Box. Fine
M27 - Locksmith Picks. Partial Set. Nice
Case. Good. ________________________$20.00
M28 - Boynton’s Patent
Adjustable Alligator Wrench. 1887 Patent. Good+. ________$75.00
M29 -
Snap-On No. 70-M Midget Socket Set. WWII with Steel Case. Good+
Nautical, Scrimshaw, and Surveying
Note: Because Antique Ivory from marine
mammals has essentially been banned for sale in the following States, I cannot
ship such products to: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New
York, Oregon & Washington.
Ship Builder's & Sail Maker's Tools (GREEN ITEMS REDUCED)
- Two Quality Smaller Caulking Tools . Unmarked
NA2 - Sailor's Fid. Very Dense Hard Wood.
10”. Fine. _______________________$70.00
NA3 - Lead
Whale Casting - Spline Weight. Bottle Opener? Good. _____________$50.00
NA4 -
Oyster Knives. Group of Three. Hand Forged. Fine. __________________$30.00
- -Serving Mallet. Extra Nice
“hammer” Form. Small. Fine, ______________$40.00
NA6 -Sailor's
Line Heaving Weight (or Shore Side Weapon). Turk's Head . Fine. __$245.00.
NA7 - Sailor’s Cosh
with Fancy Rope Work. Sailor-Made, and Deadly. Easily Good. $225.00
NA8 - Serving Mallet. Hammer Form and Well Carved. Fine Grained Wood.
Good+ $60.00
NA9 - Rabone & Sons (England) Cordage Rule.
Cordage Wt. Calculation. Good+ __ $93.75
NA10 - Deck
Prism for a sailing ship. Slightly Tinted Glass. Fine. _____________$150.00
NA11 - Caulking
Iron. Unique—Made from File. Single Crease Fine ____________ $35.00
NA12 - Sailor's Sail Cloth Ditty Bag.
Fancy Knot Work. Easily Good._____________ $400.00
NA13 -
Board. Simple, Old, and a Classic Sailor's Tool. Good+ ___________$20.00
NA14 - Race
Knife. Larger Size. A Nautical Tool. Easily Good+ __________________$50.00
NA15 - Four-arm Timber Scribe.
Uncommon Form. Easily Good+ _______________$135.00
NA16 - Manhattan Tool Mfg. Co. Hawsing Iron.
Uncommon Caulking Tool. Good. ___$33.75
NA17 - B.
D. Hathaway (New Bedford) Felling Axe. No Handle. Easily Good. _______$105.00
NA18 - Vertical
Double Block. Outstanding Old and Unique. Fine. ______________$125.00
NA19 -
Early Hand
Wrought Cooper’s Flagging Iron. Signed. Good+ _____________ $145.00
NA20 -
Shipwright's Wooden Boat Sway Brace. 18th Century Form.
Good__________ $60.00
Nautical Art & Books (GREEN ITEMS REDUCED)
Navigating Instruments. M.V. Brewington. 1963.
Good+. ______________ $30.00
Whaling Bark Josephine Hove Down For Repairs. Famous Photo.
Fine. _____$20.00
19th Century Ship Painting on Pearl Oyster Shell. Good+ ______________
Silver Gelatin Print of the
Whaling Bark Greyhound, Hauled Out __________
NART8 - Whaling Bark "Charles W. Morgan" Outfitting for Voyage. 1906/7
Fine ___ $25.00
- Digital Print of the Whaling Bark "Sunbeam" being unloaded - Aug 1, 1906 __
NART10 -
William Gilkerson Print of "Thee Helen Mar Clearing. . . . " Fine.
NART11 -Additional
William Gilkerson Prints Available -Fine ______________________@$30.00_
NA24 -
Stuart’s “Distance Meter.” English 1895 Patent. For Use at Sea. Fine. _______
NA25 -
Classic Ebony & Brass Navigator’s Parallel Rule. 12” Size. Fine.
NA26 - Ivory
Navigational Parallel Rule. 6 3/8” Brass Hinges. Fine._________________ $75.00
NA29 - Navigational Parallel Rule. 18” Macassar Ebony & Brass.
Good+ ____________$25.00
NA31 -
Sounding Lead & Line from Down East, Maine.
Good+ _____________________$100.00
& Miscellaneous Whaling - (GREEN ITEMS REDUCED)
WC1 - Piece of
Baleen from a Large Whale. Probably Humpback. Good ___________$25.00
WC3 -
Swordfish Dart (Toggle Harpoon). Brass. Gangion Rigged.
Fine.____________ $25.00
WC4 -
C. C.
Brand Patent Whaling Bomb Lance. Pat. 1852 Fine. - _________________$290.00
WC5 - “Whale
Smoking Tobacco” Empty Pouch with Bright Chromolitho Label. Good+ $100.00
WC6 -
“Mystery” Tool. Perhaps a Baleen Scraper. Good+. ______________________
WC7 -
Whale Toggle Harpoon. Modified Temple Type. No
Handle Fine. _____________ $400.00
WC9 -
Spermaceti Wax Cake. Imported from
Scotland in the 1950s Rare Item. _________$100.00
SCR1 -
Whale Bone Fid. Smaller Size with Turned
Cap. Nice Looking. Fine. _________$250.00
SCR2 -
Whalebone Body Cod Jig. Uncommon and Nice. Fine ______________________$225.00
SCR3 -
Whalebone Serving Mallet. Unusual Double head Sort. Unusual Good+
SCR4 -
Sculpted Bird. Whale Tooth. Signed, “M. Simas”
Azorean Scrimshander
Fine. _ $125.00
SCR5 -
Sailor-Made Leather Burnisher/creaser. Whale Bone. Easily Good+.
SCR8 - Sculpted
Whale Tooth. “FEB”. 6” Tooth. Fine. ____________________________$185.00
SCR9 -
Timber Scribe. Bone or Antler Handle. Small Size. Good+
SCR10 - Shark
Vertebrae and Baleen Pointer. Unusual Size. Fine. ___________________$255.00
SCR11 - Small
Scrimshaw Marking Gage. Wood, Whale Ivory, Ebony. Fine. ___________ $350.00
SCR12 - Whaler's
Pan Bone Fid. 11” Length Decorated. Fine. ______________________$675.00
SCR13 - Whale
Bone Pie Crimper. Bird Head Design. Sailor-made Good+. _____________$150.00
SCR14 - Complex
Whale Bone Leather Creaser and Burnisher. Fine._________________ $175.00
SCR15 -
Engraving or Carving Knife. Bone Handle. Good+______________________$35.00
SCR16 - Whale
Bone Wrench Stem. Ornately Turned Fine. ________________________$295.00
SCR17 -
Smaller Whale Bone Fid. 7 Inches. For Sail Making. Whale Bone.
Fine. ______ $200.00
SCR18 - Small
Ivory Handled Magnifying Glass. For Scrimshaw work? Fine. __________$125.00
SCR19 - Bone Handled Ornate Food
Chopper. Good+ _____________________________$200.00
SCR21 - Whale
Bone Fid. 9 1/2" Nice Grommet Setting Wear.
SCR22 -
Magnifying Glass. Fist Decorated. Fine.________________________ $220.00
and Inuit Tools and Artifacts
Many of the following tools and
objects are mostly prehistoric (17th Century & earlier), and are derived from
privately owned property on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea, where they
were found in ancestral ruins by native Yupik Eskimos living there,
and sold legally.
- Eskimo or Inuit Seal Skin Mukluks. Genuine. Have Seen Some Use.
Good+_______ $225.00
- Model Eskimo Kayak. Norton Sound, Alaska Type. Fine.
ESK4 - Inuit or
Eskimo Stone Ax & Hammer. Driftwood Handle. Prehistoric and Fine.______
ESK5 -
Eskimo Wooden Ladle. Lg Size. 19th
Century. Fine. _________________________ $100.00
ESK6 -
Effigy Drinking Cup. Bering Strait Eskimo. Old, Unusual, and Fine
ESK7 - Eskimo
Woman's Knife (Ulu). Carved Ivory Handle. Steel Blade. Fine.
ESK10 -
Strait Repurposed Harpoon Head. Extraordinary Fine. _________________$550.00
ESK12 - Walrus Ivory
Eskimo-made Bag Handle. Zoomorphic Form. Fine._______________ $120.00
ESK13 - Eskimo
or Inuit Ulu (Woman’s Knife) with Steel Blade. Interesting Form. Good+ ___
ESK14 -
Stait Whaling Harpoon. Extra Large Bone & Slate. Fine.
ESK15 -
Inuit Snow Goggles. Caribou Antler.
ESK16 - Eskimo
Bone & Wood Container. Late 19th
Century. Decorated. Snuff ? Fine. ____ $520.00
ESK17 -
Strait Eskimo Hollow Tube (drinking) Punuk Carving. Fine
ESK18 - Old
Eskimo Medallion/Ornament/Talisman/Toggle. Old Walrus Ivory. Fine.
ESK19 - Eskimo or Athabaskan Dagger. Metal Blade and Bone Handle. Interesting Good+ ___
Ethnographic Tools & Artifacts - Polynesia, North
West Coast, etc -
ETH2 -
ETH 3-
ETH 4 -
ETH5 -
Surveying Tools
SUR1 - Buff &
Berger (Boston) Engineer’s Dumpy Level. 17” Telescope. Good+ __________$200.00
SUR2 - Keuffel
& Esser No. 6440 .50’ Engineers Chain . Brass Handles & Tags. Fine. ____
SUR 3 -- Engineer’s Surveying Chain. 100 Feet. Stanley
(London). Fine. ________________ $275.00
SUR4 -
Spencer & Co. (London) Surveyor's Compass. IOB with Vanes. Good
SUR5 - U. S.
Military Field Alidade. For Traverse Table. In Original Leather Case
Fine ___. $50.00
SUR6 - R. Bucher (Meilen)
Swiss Plane Table (for Alidade) with Tripod, Case,Map Folder. _
SUR7 -
Uncommon Surveyor's Metric Chain - “Decimetre” Gunter's Style. Fine.
- Set of Japanese Surveyor's Scales with Offsets. WWII Vintage Bamboo.
Fine. _______$125.00
SUR9 -
W. & L. E. Gurley Surveyor’s ½ Chain. 50 feet, 33 links. Fine.
SUR10 - Early
Surveyors' Compass Rose Drawings. Five. Fine.. ________________________$275.00
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