high quality set of Japanese Carving tools is housed in a lift top sandalwood
box with Japanese lettering on the lid. There is a red inked stamp on the box
lie (perhaps an inspection stamp). There is a small paper label on the lid from
the “Boku-Undo Co. ltd” Japan. At the present time this company (and for 200
years previously) has produced special inks and ink sticks for Japanese
calligraphy.. The previous owner (a professional scrimshaw artist) lightly used
them for carving ivory. The five tools are each 9 mm wide and 3mm thick. They
are (except for the ground surfaces) coated with a red/brown finish. The
handles are wrapped with a vegetal binding that is probably sliced from bamboo.
The tools consist of a flat chisel, a skew chisel, a V-tool, and two gouges that
are ground out-canal. The smaller gouge has a width of 5 mm (the other is 9
mm). Both the skew and flat chisel have hollowed backs to facilitate their
flattening. Four of the tools retain their plastic edge protectors. All are
exceedingly sharp and appear to be made of superior steel.. It is possible that
this set of tools was made for carving print blocks for making wood block
prints. This is another set of superior carving tools. Fine.