Item WC5 - “Whale Smoking Tobacco”
Empty Pouch
wonderful item for collectors of whaling memorabilia, this cloth tobacco pouch
(empty) features a bright four color label (only slight tears and some wrinkles)
that features a spouting whale in front of an iceberg, with a distant square
rigged ship in the distant background. The label notes that this was produced
in “Factory No. 256 District of North Carolina.” Factory 256 belonged to the
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. The pouch, with drawstring present has a partial
strap smoking tobacco federal stamp with most on an image of John Adams on it.
The stamp is marked with the date of a tobacco act noted as “August 5, 1905”
The stamp is for 16 ounces of tobacco. The next succeeding tobacco act was
passed in 1910, meaning that this item was manufactured between 1905 and 1910.

Price - $200.00
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