Item NA15 - Four-arm Timber Scribe.
A simple “race” knife is a tool that was
classically used to cut a groove (race) marking the waterline on the hull of a
new wooden ship. By adding pivot point, and an additional gouging blade, a
“timber scribe” was created that allowed the cutting of controlled curved and
straight grooves in a manner that allowed marking wooden pieces with distinctive
letters and numerals. This made the tool of great use to sawyers and others
marking ownership of planks or logs, as well as to coopers and shipwrights
interested in making marks designating the placement of specific timbers and
staves in the construction of both wooden ships and casks. While some of these
timber scribes were manufactured, many were hand forged and display the same
kinds of variations that are seen in other sailor made tools. This one has a
configuration of three separate groove-cutting knife blades, combined with a
single point for fixing the tool in wood while curved grooves are cut around
it. This “tree”shaped tool was artfully hand forged and is set in a turned
beech wood handle with some lathe decoration. It is 6 inches long, overall, and
has a round handle, 4 inches long and 1 ¼ inches diameter, slightly tapering to
1 1/8 inches at its top. It will be a great piece to sit at the center of a
timber scribe collection.

Price - $135.00
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