Item NA10 -Deck Prism for a sailing ship.  

In days of old, before electric lights populated the cabins of sailing ships, below decks were lit mainly by oil lamps and prisms (portholes on old sailing ships were scarce.  The prisms were poured and molded of glass, usually with an hexagonal base, under which was a hexagonal point.  The base of the glass was fitted into a shaped mortise in the deck, with the  point emerging into the cabin space below.  As long as the sun was shining its light was funneled into the cabin or focsle below.  This is a good example of a smaller prism, used to direct light into the personal space of a ships officer’s cabin.  Larger prisms were used to light less personal space as in the focsle and various hold.  This prism has a greatest basal width of about 3 ½ “, a base thickness or ¾” and a height of 3” from base to point.  If you don’t have a cabin to illuminate that makes a great office paper weight and conversation piece.  Fine.


  Price -  $150.00

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