______________Tools for

Being an inveterate auction goer, looking mainly for North
Bros tools, I frequently see stuff that looks too nice to fall
into unknowledgeable hands. These are things that should be
circulated among people who can use them for their intended
purpose--not to be hung on a restaurant wall (or worse). And
sometimes I buy box lots for an item I need, and end up with
things I don't (need). What follows is a list of tools acquired
in this way. Generally beyond giving these tools a wipe with
mineral spirits, there has been little attempt to clean, sharpen,
or tune them. I've tried to describe accurately their type
characteristics, their obvious flaws, and their general condition
in accordance with the FTJ grading system. Click on the item
number for complete description and picture. The terms are
oldtools (say what you want: I send: you like, you pay cost plus
shipping: you no like, you return) for members of the oldtools
list who have listed bios, and for EAIA and M-WCTA members.
Others can contact me by email to negotiate a method. I
accept PayPal payments and payment by personal check or money orders.
You can visit the complete forsale list by clicking
here, or jump to various
sections in the following menu:
(address all orders and questions to )
Metallic &
Transitional Planes
Wooden Planes
Chisels, Etc.
Boring Tools
Measuring Tools
& Levels
(Wrenches, Hammers, etc)