R1 - Winslow’s Adjustable Face Gage. 1900 Patent.
showy marking gage was patented on Oct. 23, 1900 by Charles F. Winslow of
Pawtucket, RI (about 20 miles from where I sit). It was manufactured by the
Mossberg Wrench Co in Central Falls, RI. A fairly small gage, this one has a
rosewood stem that is 7 inches long, capped by a nickeled steel at one end. The
important feature of the gage is a pair wing-like arms that can be adjusted so
that the gage can follow convex or concave edges, marking lines parallel to that
curved face at distances up to several inches. These metal parts of this gage
are of bright and shiny nickeled steel and contrast nicely with the dark
rosewood stem. It is a handsome gage. There should be an adjustable point that
is held in a slot in the stem. But that, like most of those gages that you see,
is missing in this one. Counting the missing pin, Good+

Price - $100.00