Ship Caulkers and Their Tools
This piece is an expanded
version of an article written for the New Bedford Whaling Museum Blog
The picture below shows a box of tools that belonged to an un-named
ship caulker who doubtlessly worked with a crew of ship caulkers on the New
Bedford waterfront sometime in the late 19th or early 20th
century. As with most tool boxes, we can tell something of the man who
owned this set of tools, and what he did for a living.
In the days of sail and Yankee whaling, ship caulkers were important
shipyard workers, finishing the process of making new hulls and decks tight
and leak-free; and restoring older hulls to the same the same degree of
fitness prior to every extended whaling voyage. Their job was one that
required skill, but a fairly simple arsenal of tools. These included
caulking mallets of two or three types, a group of caulking “chisels” or
“irons”, that were really tampers, and a small array of hooks or narrow
scrapers to clean the seams between the hull or deck planks prior to
caulking. The actual caulking material could be comprised of cotton yarn or
string, and most importantly, oakum, which was usually the yarn from which
manila or hemp cordage was made, tarred with pitch.

"Leather seat with wood sides and bottom. Contains one caulking mallet, five
caulking irons,
one seam raker made from a race knife, one instrument (seam raker), and one
spare mallet handle."
(New Bedford Whaling Museum)
The second picture shows men at work caulking and rigging the Bark
Alice Knowles, getting her ready for an extended whaling voyage.

1991.50.2.27 -- Caulkers at side of Bark Alice Knowles. (New Bedford
Whaling Museum)
The first five men from the left of the picture are caulkers working on
planks above the waterline on the bark. The two men to the right appear to
be riggers who are working at anchoring what are known as “chain plates”.
Chain plates are iron rods doubled back on each other that are fastened to
the multiple port and starboard stays that support the various masts on the
vessel. These riggers are working on the chain plates that will anchor the
port stays supporting the main mast. There is a lot going on in this
picture, but first, let’s go back to that caulker’s tool box.
An obvious feature of this tool box is that it is fashioned as a seat,
having a contoured leather top, with an opening that allows the tools to be
accessed or stored as they are needed. The opening also serves as a handle,
so the caulker could easily carry the box from location to location on the
job. Ostensibly, the caulker could use his tool box as a seat while eating
his lunch—but more importantly, he would use it as a seat when working on
the bottom of a hull that had been hauled out of water, and was too close to
the ground to allow him to stand comfortably (sometimes caulkers fixed
“rocker bottoms” to their seat boxes, allowing them to rock backward when
working overhead). This feature suggests that the owner of this box likely
worked on smaller vessels than large whalers. The larger vessels were
generally careened or “hove down” while afloat at the wharves so that their
bottoms could be exposed for maintenance work. The caulkers then worked
from rafts alongside the vessels, and did not need to work from under the
A second feature of this box is that the tools arrayed in front of it,
are in nice condition. The owner of them took care of them. Many caulking
tools, exposed as they are to salt water and the elements while working
outside, are often rusted, pitted, with the ends of the irons peened from
hard use. These are not in that condition, because their owner cleaned and
oiled them regularly. The tools include five “caulking irons” of only two
types. Four of these (the pointed ones) are known as “clearing” or
“reefing” irons. There is little uniformity in the names of caulking irons,
as regional and local names can dominate. For instance, these reefing irons
are also known as “jerry” or “cape” irons. Whatever they may be called,
they are seldom used as tampers to pound oakum into a seam, but rather are
pounded with a mallet along the seam, with the point end forward, in order
to clear the old caulking out of a seam before recaulking it. The fifth
caulking iron is known as a “double crease straight iron.” It is the iron
with the broad symmetrical foot. This is a principal caulking iron—one that
is used a lot. “Double crease” means that the blunt edge of the iron is
double the thickness of a “single crease” iron, and it usually is cupped in
cross section. This iron would be used on wider seams, or at the wide top
of the seam at the surface.
Another tool in this group, called a reefing hook or raker, also is
used to clean out a seam, removing the loosened old caulking, freed up by
the reefing iron. This particular raker is really a different tool, called
a “race” knife. A race knife is a special knife that cuts a groove or
“race” in a plank—either to delineate the waterline on a hull, or more
usually to cut identifying marks in planks or barrel staves, so their
relationship to their neighbors can be told when the hull or a barrel is
assembled.. At any rate, a race knife makes a nice raker for a caulker.
Its presence here tells us that the owner of this kit of tools was not only
fastidious about their condition, but he was also frugal, using a tool cast
off from a former purpose, and converting it to his particular use.
The final tool of interest in this kit is a standard caulking mallet
(and a spare handle for that mallet). Caulking mallets are quite
specialized hammers. The head is made of wood, and usually is from 10 to 16
inches long, strengthened by iron bands that gird the head on either side of
the eye for the handle, and again, near the ends or “faces”of the head. The
wood used for caulking mallets has to be extremely hard and durable. The
fanciest ones may be made of rosewood or ebony, but the usual working
caulking mallets use live oak, black locust, or more usually, mesquite, as
the wood of choice. A particular feature, especially of many American
caulking mallets, is a slot with blind ends, cut vertically through the
head, between the iron bands on each side of the handle. These slots,
usually about 1/8 inch wide, can be 3 or 4 inches long, and sometimes are
“stopped” at each end, with slightly larger holes bored by a drill or
brace. All of these features can be seen in the mallet belonging to the
caulking kit.
A slightly different form of caulking mallet (what I think of as
“English” pattern) eschews the inner metal rings, and instead has a larger
inner diameter of the head, which is reinforced by two bolts passing through
the thick diameter on either side of the handle hole. These mallets may or
may not have “tuning slits,” and are usually made of either lignum vitae or
a dark tropical hardwood (not mesquite or black locust). Here is a picture
of such a mallet. This one has tuning slits.

The array of caulking irons in our caulker’s kit, with the majority
being jerry irons, suggests that this caulker probably worked in a team of
from 5 to 30 men, and his particular specialty was clearing the old caulking
from a seam, and cleaning it out (with the seam rakers), so that the
caulkers working behind him could concentrate on pounding new oakum into the
cleaned seams. These workers would have used a greater variety of caulking
irons, including single and double crease straight irons, “bent” irons for
working on seams at some reach away, especially in the seams of the
“garboard” planks (which lie next to the keel,’ narrow “spike” and “trunnel”
irons for caulking around the spike and trunnels that fastened the planks to
the ship’s frame. Also, instead of using a cast-off race knife to serve as
a seam raker, specialized irons called “reefing hooks” were used for this
purpose. Examples of these sorts of caulking irons are shown below. Most
were available in narrow, medium and wide widths. These are medium width
ones. The examples shown are in new condition are products of the Buffum
Tool Co, which did business in Louisiana, Missouri. This company supplied
caulking (and other) tools for the shipbuilders of Gulf of Mexico and
Mississippi River ports.

A – double crease straight iron
B – single crease straight iron
C – deck, or “dumb”
iron. Sharp edge—used for
opening up a tight seam.
D – reefing iron
E – bent deck iron
F – single crease
bent iron
G – double crease
bent iron
H – bent trunnel or
spike iron
I – reef hook
J – two small seam