Item BK6 - Modern Machine Shop Practice. Supplement to the First Edition.
Joshua Rose, 1891
after the publication of the first edition of this land mark two-volume work,
all of the subsequent changes to the first edition, plus the addition of
chapters on Mechanical Refrigeration and Ice Making, and Electricity and
Electrical Machinery. These additional chapters add another 200 pages of
material. In all, the supplement contains 578 pages of revisions (keyed to the
pagination of the 1st Edition), plus new material and about 500
engravings. The purpose of the supplement was to make the new material
available to the owners of the First Edition, without causing them the expense
of the entire 2nd Edition. It is much less commonly found the either
the First or Second Edition. The spine on this volume is loose, and is
missing the upper and lower portions. The marbled endpapers are loose, but all
of the pages are clean, tight, and unmarked. Good.

Price - $25.00
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