Item M28 - Boynton’s Patent Adjustable Alligator Wrench.

seldom-seen adjustable wrench this invention of Edward S. Boynton was patented
on June 14, 1887 (No. 364,749: Schulz’s No. 28). It was manufactured by the
Campbell Printing Press & Mfg. Co. of New York (not marked on the wrench). A
year later Boynton received a second patent on June 4, 1888 that included
“steps” in the upper jaw. That modification is not seen on this wrench. This
wrench is 15 inches long, and is marked, “Boynton’s Patent” on one side, and
“Pat’d June 14, 1887” on the other. It has no damage other than the usual bumps
and dings of about 125 years of life. The jaw teeth are sharp, and there are no
breaks or chips. Good+

Price - $75.00
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