tool that I've not seen before, this interesting tool is a combination
rule/level/bevel/square and inclinometer—all in one. The body of the tool is
marked, “Model / Pat. US. Feb. 13. 17” in a diamond. This is the patent No. 1,
216,105 awarded to Joseph E. Gagnon (Phila) and John A. Hawthorne Jr (Chester,
Pa) for a combination tool with rule, level vial, protractor, etc). The tool,
which matches the patent drawing faithfully has a 12” steel rule, graduated in
16th on both sides that is pinned to a rotating head with a round
head rivet. The head is formed from three pieces of heavy pressed steel joined
with 6 additional rivets that form a slot for the rule to swing into. Inset into
this body is a central disk (pinned to the rule) around which the body pivots.
The disk contains a locking toggle screw and has protractor markings from 0 to
90 degrees. The far end of the body has a small steel enclosed level vial
mounted on it. I can find little information on this tool. It is listed in the
EAIA DAT with little further information. Gagnon and Hawthorne award 1/3 of the
rights to one Alfred S. Orchard of Philadelphia. Orchard was apparently an agent
for patent development and is mentioned with respect to a couple of patents
involving printing equipmennt. This tool is a very solid and heavy one. It has
tarnish which would clean up, but no rust or pitting. The markings are light,
but will be enhanced by a gentle cleaning. It is an interesting tool. Good+