J. Lester Osgood
J. Lester Osgood of Buffalo, New York, received at least two brace patents.
The first of these was for a distinctive ratchet selector mechanism which
features two knife edges, beveled in opposite directions that slide vertically
to engage the ratchet gears. The patent for this mechanism was awarded on
June 22, 1886 (No. 344,130)--Pearson "B". I have a single brace that is
unmarked, but clearly is completely faithful to the patent description.

Superficially the patent is similar to
earlier patent, but the knife edge plate in the Pflegar mechanism rocks on a pin
fulcrum. Osgood's is not pinned and slides vertically.
Osgood's second patent was issued on April 19, 1887, and is for No.
361,368--Pearson "C". This is for a set of very short brace jaws that
held between the end of the frame by lips that fit in grooves on the edges of
the jaws. The jaws are free to rock and grasp the bit securely. The
single brace in my collection having Osgood's earlier patent ratchet also has
these patent jaws.
Osgood assigned both of these patents to his company,
Saxton & Osgood of Buffalo. The EAIA Directory of American Toolmakers
lists this company as having done business in the last five years of the 1880s,
making braces. The senior partner, Elijah .J. Saxton had earlier been in
partnership (1877 through 1883) with Charles
Amidon. Saxton
also even earlier had been a partner with Gunn & Amidon for the brief span of 18
months in the enterprise of Gunn, Amidon & Co. that was the forerunner of the
Millers Falls. Co., and so
provides another connection with the peripatetic Amidon.
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